Walesa: We Need Global Leaders Like John Paul II As Light To The World So The Left Doesn’t Prevail

Nickarama Weasel Zippers 4/26/2014

If you weren’t of age during the 80s to understand the profound effect that John Paul II had on the world, this piece might give you a small taste of it. Walesa reminds us that change is not just about military might or political power, but about the power of the […]

Margaret Thatcher actually stood for something

John J. Metzler 4/12/2013

Margaret Thatcher, the British Conservative Prime Minister, between 1979-1990, was a Revolutionary.

As the first female Prime Minister she emerged as a truly transformational figure both on the domestic and foreign front and soon challenged the entrenched interests with a stance that promoted freedom and economic liberty. She stood on […]

Lady Thatcher, Britain’s first female prime minister, has died

Andrew Sparrow Politics Blog The Guardian [UK] 8 Apr 2013




12.58pm BST [7:58 am EDT] The Press Association has filed an obituary from Chris Moncrieff, its former political editor. Here is how it starts.

Margaret Thatcher was the woman who, virtually single-handed and in the space of one tumultuous decade, […]

Romney’s Warsaw Speech

William Kristol The Weekly Standard 7/31/2012

Mitt Romney’s stop in Jerusalem will probably remain the highlight of his foreign trip, but his eloquent and powerful speech today in Warsaw deserves more notice than it will probably get. In his remarks, Romney suggests a theme for his trip as a whole and a rationale for visiting […]

‘Cafeteria Catholics’ or When is a ‘self-defined Catholic’ not a Catholic?

A Report From The Front Lines In The War Between Catholics And Obama

Kevin “Coach” Collins Western Journalism 5/3/2012

…“I’m not a genuflecting Catholic any longer. I define myself and describe myself as a Catholic. I’ve had problems with the Catholic Church since the Vietnam War. I’m 63 years old, and I thought the […]

President Reagan’s Radio Address to the Nation on the Observance of Easter and Passover

The American Spectator on Facebook 4/8/2012

President Reagan’s Radio Address to the Nation on the Observance of Easter and Passover on April 2, 1983.

For more information on the ongoing works of President Reagan’s Foundation, please visit

Related: Pope marks Easter with call for Syria violence end

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Benedict […]
