Mark Levin Warns House Republicans: Do Not Support Kevin McCarthy for Speaker

Julia Hahn Big Government 25 Sep 2015

Popular talk radio host and best-selling author Mark Levin is warning Republicans in Washington: don’t replace outgoing House Speaker Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) with Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

Levin’s a tirelessly warrior against Speaker Boehner and the Washington establishment. “Kevin McCarthy is Eric Cantor with ten less […]

Mark Meadows to Fight GOP House Leadership: ‘Sometimes You Have to Make Changes to the Coach’

Josh Siegel The Daily Signal 6/22/2015

A conservative House lawmaker angry at “a culture of punishment and fear” created by Speaker John Boehner and his leadership team has had enough.

“For the last six months they have doled out small punishments in a variety of forms,” said Rep. Mark Meadows of the conservative House Freedom […]

Trade bill survives scare

Cristina Marcos The Hill 6/11/2015

President Obama’s trade agenda survived a bad scare in the House on Thursday when the GOP rule governing debate for the package narrowly survived a 217-212 vote.

Thirty-four Republicans voted against the rule, while eight Democrats backed it…

…House Republicans could only lose 26 of their own for the rule […]

MUST LISTEN: Mark Levin interviews Jeff Sessions on ObamaTrade deal

The Right Scoop 6/11/2015

Jeff Sessions explains to Mark Levin how bad this this ObamaTrade bill is, that it even creates an international community that is in many ways similar to how the European Union began, putting us in partnership with 12 countries and giving them the power to make laws or rules that put […]

Rep. Amash Skips House Recess to Make Sure Speaker Boehner Does Not Extend PATRIOT Act

With the USA PATRIOT Act’s bulk data collection authority set to expire at the end of the month without congressional action and most of Congress away for recess, civil libertarian Congressman Justin Amash (R-MI) is remaining in town to attend the House of Representatives’ pro forma sessions to prevent Speaker John Boehner from taking advantage […]

Trey Gowdy's warning to Democrats: ' careful what you do with the law today...'

Gowdy Opening Statement at Hearing on Immigration Executive Actions

Tgowdysc YouTube 2/25/2015

Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Trey Gowdy Opening Statement at House Judiciary Committee Hearing “The Unconstitutionality of Obama’s Executive Actions on Immigration”

  . .  

  Related: Trey Gowdy Introduces States’ Rights, “Undo Obama Destruction And Liberal Idiocy” Immigration Enforcement Bill

…He’s authored […]
