‘Naked scanners’: Lobbyists join the war on terror

Timothy P. Carney Washington Examiner 11/12/2010

The degradations of passing through full-body scanners that provide naked pictures of you to Transportation Security Administration agents may not mean that the terrorists have won — but they do mark victories for a few politically connected high-tech companies and their revolving-door lobbyists.

Many experts and critics suspect that […]

Christmas Day bomber trained with Al Qaeda in Yemen

Revealed: Chilling video that shows failed Christmas Day bomber training with Al Qaeda in Yemen Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1269107/Christmas-Day-bomber-training-Video-Umar-Farouk-Abdulmutallab-Yemen-emerges.html#ixzz0nMcucdK4

Mail Foreign Service The Daily Mail [UK] 27 Apr 2010

Christmas Day airline bomb suspect Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab has been shown on a video training with Al Qaeda in Yemen.

The video, obtained and broadcast yesterday by […]

Senator: VP comments ‘insulting’

Brown vs. Biden

by Carol E. Lee Politico.com 2/15/10

Sen. Scott Brown thinks Vice President Joe Biden was “off base” when he suggested Sunday that the Massachusetts Republican get his facts straight on the legal procedures for military tribunals.

“It was insulting,” said Brown, who frequently jabbed the administration during his Senate campaign, […]

In the case of Eric Holder

Scott Johnson Power Line 2/12/2010

Anyone who wants to understand the farcical falsehoods promulgated by the Obama administration to justify its treatment of Umar Abdulmutallab as a criminal defendant can’t do better than read former Attorney General Michael Mukasey’s Washington Post column “Where the U.S. went wrong on the Christmas day bomber.”

For starters, however, […]

DHS advisor Brennan embarrasses himself

Rory Cooper National Review/The Corner 2/9/2010

Earlier this weekend, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin told Chris Wallace in a Fox News interview that the Obama administration’s position on dissent is that detractors should “sit down and shut up.” The Huffington Post crowd immediately jumped on the statement, saying it couldn’t be supported.

Well, 24 […]

Sen. Bond to the WH: ‘I’m Supposed to Apologize?’

Jake Tapper ABC News 2/4/2010

From Sunlen Miller:

The ranking Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Kit Bond, R-Mo., dismissed the White House’s call for him to apologize for alleging that the administration leaked information about Umar Farouk Abdulmuttalab for political reasons.

“After telling me to keep my mouth shut, the White House discloses […]
