Obama Wants to Close Off Energy-Rich Stretch of Alaska to Development

Sean Hackbarth U.S. Chamber of Commerce 1/26/2015

Pultizer Prize-winning author Daniel Yergin, wrote in the New York Times that global energy markets are at an inflection point. The role of the world’s “swing producer” has swung to the United States:

By leaving oil prices to the market, Saudi Arabia and the emirates also passed the […]

Even Before Long Winter Begins, Energy Bills Send Shivers in New England

Katharine Q. Seelye The New York Times 12/13/2014

…For months, utility companies across New England have been warning customers to expect sharp price increases, for which the companies blame the continuing shortage of pipeline capacity to bring natural gas to the region.

Now that the higher bills […]

New era of cheap oil 'will destroy green revolution'

As the price of a barrel falls below $60, the long-term impact on wind, solar and hydro-power could be catastrophic for the planet

Tom Bawden The Independent [UK] 12 December 2014

The collapsing oil price that is reshaping the global economy could derail the green energy revolution by making renewable power sources prohibitively bad value, […]

U.S. Oil Pushes Back Against Anti-American World Powers – Despite Obama

DW Ulsterman Ulsterman Books 12/1/2014

World oil powers such as Saudi Arabia and other OPEC nations, Russia and Venezuela are stunned at the dramatic increases in U.S. energy production – an increase that has them scrambling to try and prepare for lower cost oil that will place considerable pressure upon their own bottom lines. It […]

Oil, gas prices in freefall as OPEC reels from US fracking

FoxNews.com 11/28/2014

Drivers paying less at the pump due to free-falling oil prices can thank the U.S. energy boom for generating shale oil – and weakening OPEC’s ability to keep the cost of a gallon of gas high.

In just a matter of months, the price of a barrel of oil has dropped from more […]

Former Treasury Secretary confirms 2013 report that Russia played a role in the 2008 financial crisis

Glenn Beck 3/18/2014

Back in September of 2013, For The Record looked at the possibility that countries hostile to the U.S., like China and Russia, may have artificially driven up the price of oil and intentionally crashed the stocks of some financial institutions, escalating chaos prior to the 2008 economic crisis. Yesterday, a BBC report […]
