Bill de Blasio’s Other Party

How the Working Families party is coming to power.

John Fund National Review Online 1/15/2014

…Mayor de Blasio isn’t going to have to negotiate with Working Families, because he is in large part their creation. He helped found the party, used the discounted services of their grassroots organizers to win election to the city council […]

Bertha Lewis threatens ‘fake’ Tea Party, ‘necrophiliacs’ FNC, Beck, Breitbart: ‘Get ready for a fight’

Apparently Ms. Lewis doesn’t understand that public airways are called ‘public’ for a reason. But after listening to this interview she seems to have other, more interesting things on her mind.

Beck’s Political Necrophilia: ACORN CEO Says ‘Glenn Beck is My Boyfriend’…Had ‘Congress With the Corpse’

The Blaze 12/7/2010

For the complete interview go […]

Under Investigation, ACORN Chief Bertha Lewis Quits Working Families Party

Frank Ross February 8, 2010

Die-hard supporters of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now — better known as the infamous ACORN – are not going to like these developments. From City Hall, Edward-Isaac Dovere reports that the embattled Lewis has quietly stepped aside as head of the Working Families Party in New […]

ACORN funded political groups reported today:

September 25, 2009

Before ACORN’s change in leadership to Bertha Lewis, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now transferred several million dollars in charitably donated and government money to groups with political and corporate missions, documents show.

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) released an analysis by his tax staff on Thursday […]
