SWAT Team Raids Home of Libertarian Activist Adam Kokesh, Arrests Him on Drug and Gun Charges

Mike Riggs Reason Magazine 7/10/2013

A local SWAT team working with the U.S. Park Police raided the Herndon, Va. home of libertarian activist Adam Kokesh shortly before 8 p.m. last night. Kokesh was arrested and “charged with possession of schedule I or II drugs while in possession of a firearm,”according to the Washington Post(The […]

The Obama Way: DOJ dumpster divers spied on Fox News reporter James Rosen; Update: Fox News says DOJ targeted 3 staffers

Michelle Malkin 5/20/2013


And par for the course, of course:

– A brief history of slimy Dem snoops and dumpster divers.

– Barack “The Silencer” Obama’s Gangland Assault on Free Speech.

– Obama’s war on watchdogs and whistleblowers.

– Obama’s campaign bully brigade rides again.

– Bully boys: A brief history of White House […]

Pope Francis Calls on Journalists to Give ‘Special Attention to Truth, Goodness and Beauty’

Kate O’Hare Breitbart.com Big Peace 17 Mar 2013

On Saturday, March 16, three days after being elected Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis met with over 5,000 journalists and media – including some of their family members – at the Paul VI Hall at the Vatican in Rome.

While the journalistic profession […]

Sperling Admits Obama Misled in Debate: The President Did Propose the Sequester

Daniel Halper The Weekly Standard 3/3/2013

White House economic adviser Gene Sperling admits that, yes, in fact, the sequestration was President Obama’s plan.

“We put forth the design of” the sequestration, Sperling finally admits after a long back-and-forth:



Also, Gene Sperling Responds to Bob Woodward

CNN “Stater of The Union” WH […]

Laura Ingraham tears into Colin Powell

LauraIngraham.com 1/14/2013

Listen here as Laura dissects the progressive politics of General Powell and interviews Newt Gingrich.

The video of Colin Powell on “Meet the Press” is at The Blaze.

…“There’s also a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party,” Powell said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “What do I mean by […]

Shockah: David Gregory and wife knew D.C. Attorney General

William A. Jacobson Legal Insurrection 1/11/2013

District of Columbia Attorney General Irvin Nathan issued a lengthy letter today explaining the decision not to prosecute David Gregory “despite the clarity of the violation of this important law,” despite rejecting NBC’s claims of a subjective misunderstanding of the law, and despite vowing vigorous enforcement of gun laws.

