Dem. Elijah Cummings defends shocking emails showing he coordinated with IRS effort to target True the Vote




Michael Dorstewitz BizPac Review 4/10/2014

…At a February committee hearing, Cummings claimed that any notion that he or his staff had put True The Vote “on the radar screen” of the IRS was “absolutely incorrect and untrue.”

This new information, in the form of letters and emails from 2012 […]

Ted Cruz Gets a Full-Throated Defense

Quin Hillyer The American Spectator 2/21/2013

If McCarthyism means the vicious and unfair smearing of somebody in public life, especially via toxic labels, then the most common refuge of a real McCarthyite is to throw around allegations of McCarthyism. With MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and Missouri’s Democratic U.S. Senator-by-Luck Claire McCaskill both acting the part of […]

Note To Libs Claiming Criticizing Susan Rice Is Racist, You Once Denounced Condoleezza Rice As A “House Nigga”…

Zip Weasel Zippers 11/23/2012

But calling Susan Rice “incompetent” is racist or something.

Via NRO:

That didn’t take long. U.N. ambassador Susan Rice has yet to be nominated as secretary of state, but prominent Democrats are already denouncing opposition to her potential nomination as racist on the basis of remarks by Republican senators that she […]
