Cause of Action sues 12 departments that allowed White House to intervene in FOIA responses

Kelly Cohen The Washington Examiner 8/18/2014

President Obama has claimed since his first day in the Oval Office that his administration would be “the most transparent” in history.

But the nonprofit watchdog group Cause of Action is challenging the Obama claim in a federal lawsuit against 12 federal agencies, including the Office of Management and […]

Burwell’s Confirmation Hearings to Run Obamacare Just Got a Little More Difficult

Bryan Preston PJ Tatler PJ Media 4/14/2014

Sylvia Burwell is President Obama’s pick to replace Kathleen Sebelius atop the Department of Health and Human Services, despite her having no experience in the healthcare industry. This administration’s motto seems to be “no experience required.” Burwell’s main claims to fame up to now aren’t terribly impressive. She […]

Barack Obama Signs Four New Executive Orders

Tim Brown Front Porch Politics 5/23/2012

Barack Obama signed four Executive Orders on Monday. These add to the President’s growing list of Executive Orders. They provide for an Order of Succession with the Department of Agriculture, the Office of Management and Budget, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of Commerce.

These lines of succession […]

Megyn Kelly interviews LightSquared founder

The Right Scoop 9/19/2011

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Update: White House offered “guidance” to second witness in LightSquared inquiry

Last week, The Daily Beast’s Eli Lake opened up a new scandal in the White House by revealing that a four-star Air Force general told Congress that Obama […]

WH Denies Involvement in Solyndra Loan, Despite E-Mails Indicating Otherwise

Fred Lucas 9/16/2011

The White House says it played no role in steering more than half-a-billion in taxpayer dollars to a solar panel firm that went bankrupt and is now under investigation by the FBI. But e-mails subpoenaed by the House Energy and Commerce Committee indicate the White House was eager to move quickly […]

Second Obama fundraiser linked to federal loan for failed solar company

Matea Gold and Stuart Pfeifer Boston Herald 9/17/2011

The White House faced mounting political complications as a second top fundraiser for President Barack Obama was linked to a federal loan guarantee program that backed a now-bankrupt Silicon Valley solar energy company, and as two California lawmakers called for investigations of a state tax break granted […]
