Dodd-Frank Takes Banking Back To Horse-And-Buggy Days

Editorial 4/24/2015

Regulation: To understand how far Dodd-Frank set back the financial industry, look at the first bank to open in the country since that legislation became law in 2010. It is literally a horse-and-buggy operation.

Dodd-Frank was sold as the salvation of America’s wayward financial system. President Obama hailed the “reform” as a […]

Legal Gun Dealers Say They're Being Cut Off By Payment Processors

Megyn Kelly The Kelly File 1/14/2015

Gun retailers are claiming discrimination after being cut off by some mainstream payment processors.

Gun dealers believe it’s part of a quiet effort to restrict gun sales and put them out of business.

According to a report from The Daily Signal, some gun sellers feel like it’s not […]

This happened: Government confiscates money from a member of Beck’s staff

Glenn Beck 6/17/2014

Have you checked your bank accounts lately?

According to Australia’s Herald Sun, the Australian government seized a record $360 million from ‘dormant’ household bank accounts in 2013 alone. A rule change in 2012, allowed the government to seize the money in some 80,000 accounts that had been dormant for three years. Prior […]

Clinton Library’s Doc Dump Reveals CRA Fueled Subprime Bubble

Editorials 4/25/2014

Subprime Scandal: Newly released memos from the Clinton presidential library reveal evidence the government had a big hand in the housing crisis. The worst actors were in the White House, not on Wall Street.

During the 1990s, former Clinton aides bragged that more aggressive enforcement of the Community Reinvestment Act pressured banks […]

Senator Fauxcahontus is not amused

Elizabeth Warren threatens companies she suspects of funding public criticism of her

Timothy P. Carney The Washington Examiner 12/5/2013

I’m generally for more disclosure in campaign finance, but the best argument against requiring full disclosure by groups engaged in political speech is that politicians sometimes retaliate against their critics. Sen. Elizabeth Warren inadvertently made that […]

How the Fed is creating a new feudalism

Conn Corroll The Washington Examiner 3/16/2013

Over a decade ago in 2001, the Federal Reserve planted the seeds of the 2008 financial crisis by lowering its target for the federal funds rate from 6.25 percent to 1.75 percent. Since this interest rate is a benchmark number used throughout financial markets, many first-time homebuyers were able […]
