Peter Schiff, author who predicted economic crash, reacts to debt-ceiling deal

Faith Braverman The Daily Caller 10/17/2013

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Peter Schiff is a businessman and author that was known by many as “Dr. Doom” before he became widely credited with foretelling the U.S. economic crisis years before it occurred. During a phone interview, The Daily Caller picked his brain about the current economic crisis, the […]

Julian Robertson Warns 'We Are In A Bubble Market' And Yellen Is 'Way Too Easy Money'

Tyler Durden ZeroHedge 10/7/2013

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…A spell-bound Maria Bartiromo was looking for any silver lining when Julian Robertson responded ominously,“we’re in the middle of a kind of bubble market,” and when they “prick the bubble, there will probably be a pretty bad reaction.” With views on The Fed’s easy-money, Twitter, and market frothiness, Robertson […]

How a Small Team of Democrats Defeated Larry Summers—and Obama

The president’s presumptive choice for Federal Reserve chair withdrew his name from consideration on Sunday.

David A Graham The Atlantic 9/15/2013

No one has ever said President Obama’s relationship with Congress was warm. But with cool fall temperatures creeping in, that bond may also have gotten a little bit chillier on Sunday, when Larry Summers […]

How the Fed is creating a new feudalism

Conn Corroll The Washington Examiner 3/16/2013

Over a decade ago in 2001, the Federal Reserve planted the seeds of the 2008 financial crisis by lowering its target for the federal funds rate from 6.25 percent to 1.75 percent. Since this interest rate is a benchmark number used throughout financial markets, many first-time homebuyers were able […]

Obama administration filled with activists for globalism

Seeking ‘climate change adaption,’ crackdown on firearms, gun sellers

Aaron Klein WorldNetDaily 10/1/2011

The newly appointed chief of President Obama’s Social Innovation and Civic Participation Council is a member of a globalist organization whose activists can be found throughout the Obama administration.

Jonathan Greenblatt was appointed the new head of Obama’s Social Innovation Unit earlier […]
