The Black Book of the American Left: Volume I: My Life and Times

“A key to understanding the mentality of the left is that it judges itself by its best intentions, while judging its opponents – America chief among them – by their worst deeds.”



Barbara Kay FrontPage Magazine 1/10/2014

…Horowitz was, like so many other Jewish sons and daughters of his generation, a […]

Turning Conservative After September 11, 2001

Donald Douglas American Power 9/12/2011

…I voted for Al Gore in 2000. I still thought the Democratic Party was the party of Truman and Kennedy. How naive I must have been. But my vision has become clearer every year since then.

The annual debate over the September 11th attacks always reminds me of my political […]

Grinding America Down

CAJ note: This video of Curtis Bowers is making the rounds in emails and online. Last July we posted Trevor Loudon’s article Agenda: Grinding America Down. We would urge you to follow our link to that article for more information.

The Right Scoop 7/7/2011


Post Traumatic American Syndrome

Robin of Berkeley American Thinker 2/23/2011

…Since I woke up from my leftist stupor two years ago, I’ve had many epiphanies. Here’s one: the Left is comprised of two distinct groups, the abusers and the abused…

…When I analyze why I am one of the rare progressives to ever see the light, I think it’s […]

May day, May day

By Alberto de la Cruz Babalu Blog 4/30/2010

American Thinker‘s Robin of Berkeley is a self-described “recovering liberal” who lives and works in the American mecca of leftist ideology, Berkeley, California. She has penned an excellent piece in commemoration of May Day that compares her view of the Marxist holiday from the days when she […]
