George Soros Says He’d Invest $1 Billion to Save Ukraine From Russia — but He Has Some Conditions

Zach Noble The Blaze 3/30/2015

…Soros has long pushed for a $50 billion financing package to aid Ukraine, Reuters noted.

“I stand ready,” Soros said. “There are concrete investment ideas, for example in agriculture and infrastructure projects. I would put in $1 billion.”

Of course, Soros added a caveat besides saying other Western investors and […]

Glenn Beck Makes Big Announcement About the NRA and Grover Norquist

Erica Ritz The Blaze 3/13/2015

Glenn Beck said Friday that NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre told him the organization is opening an ethics investigation into Grover Norquist, the president of Americans for Tax Reform.

“Two days ago I was on the air and I brought up Grover Norquist,” Beck explained on his radio program. […]

Jasser: America needs 'a strategy against the jihad'

Muslim Reformer Says the American Media, Military and Government Have to Realize This if They Ever Want to Defeat Radical Islam

Erica Ritz The Blaze 3/11/2015

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, president of the American-Islamic Forum for Democracy, says the American media, military and government will never be able to defeat radical Islam until they have a […]

Report: Karl Rove has been funding Grover Norquist

Thomas Lifson American Thinker 11/26/2013

Students of the GOP establishment take note: new documents revealed by ProPublica, the George Soros-funded “investigative journalism” outfit that supplies free content to media outlets, reveal that Rove’s fundraising behemoth Crossroads GPS supplied $26.4 million of the approximately $31 million Norquist’s outfit, Americans for Tax Reform, spent in 2012. That’s […]

Just 51,000 people completed Obamacare applications during the website’s first week, out of tens of millions of Americans in 36 states

Obamacare’s main signup engine attracted just 6,200 new customers on its launch day and 51,000 after the first week At the same rate, the 6-month open enrollment period would sign up just 2 million Americans, including 14 states and D.C., which have their own insurance exchanges The Congressional Budget Office says Obamacare needs at […]

Secret Emails: CATO, Norquist, Rubio Use Boston Terror Attacks to Push Immigration Reform

Matthew Boyle Big Government 21 Apr 2013

Secret emails obtained exclusively by Breitbart News show the libertarian Cato Institute, Americans for Tax Reform, and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) are colluding on immigration reform messaging in the wake of the Boston Marathon terror attack in order to push the “Gang of Eight” bill that was […]
