Shuddering at a world without American values

Daniel Hannan Opinion The Washington Examiner 3/2/2015

…I love America’s obsession with immediacy and convenience: not just drive-thru Dunkin Donuts, but drive-thru wedding chapels. I love the fact that every city stages a Shakespeare festival, yet Americans persist in thinking of their national culture as low-brow. I love “The Simpsons” and “The Wire” and “America’s […]

Rand Paul: Vote Republican for Limited Government

We’ve seen how abusive the IRS, DoJ, and NSA are under Democrats, says Sen. Rand Paul. Let’s change course.

Rand Paul 10/28/2014

This article is part of a series on the libertarian vote in the 2014 midterm election. Read the alternative perspectives from other parties here and here.

It is apparent now more than […]

Ted Cruz Might Just Have Won the Future for the GOP

Once denounced by McCain as ‘wacko birds’ hogging the spotlight, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are soaring. Nick Gillespie on why Cruz’s faux filibuster has nothing to do with Obamacare—and everything to do with building a broad-based coalition.

Nick Gillespie The Daily Beast 9/25/2013

Make no mistake about it: the on-going “extended speech” by Sen. […]

IRS Watchdog: Senior IRS Officials Knew in 2011 Tea Parties’ Tax-Exempt Status Being Targeted

IRS anti-Tea Party scandal gets real — senior IRS officials aware of targeting (Update – Chief Counsel knew and targets expanded to groups “educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights”)

William A. Jacobson Legal Insurrection 5/11/2013

This is getting real.

Yesterday it was just some “low level” employees involved. Now AP is reporting that […]

Glenn Beck and Judge Andrew Napolitano discuss the Constitution and limited powers

How do we build a third party based on limited government and the Constitution?

Glenn sits down Judge Napolitano to talk about the historical origins of libertarianism. 2/7/2013

Progressivism is taking root in this country, and the problem doesn’t just lie in the Democratic party. The problem extends to the GOP too. What does […]

David Horowitz: How Republicans can win

The Democratic Party is no longer the party of John F. Kennedy, whose politics were identical to Ronald Reagan’s…It is not even the party of Hubert Humphrey…It is now a party led by socialists and progressives who are convinced that their policies are paving the way to a “better world.”…They are secular missionaries […]
