Another Stimulus-Funded Energy Company Hits the Skids

Jim Geraghty National Review Online 3/29/2012

Another stimulus success story – well, success for Democratic lawmakers and a company that received millions in federal funds – not a victory for the taxpayer, laid-off workers, or the customers who will probably never purchase the product of the rapidly sinking company.

A Waltham-based electric car battery supplier […]

‘Cooking the Books’: Christopher Monckton replies to John Cook

Joanne Nova JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax 2/6/2012

When Christopher Monckton debated at the National Press Club in Canberra last July, he showed exactly why the fans of a man-made catastrophe are so frightened of free speech and open debates. With no slides nor images, in a single hour he still changed the opinions […]

‘Obama’s drilling deception’

Obama Pretends That He Is Opening Drilling As Smokescreen For Pushing Cap And Trade

Are you freaking stupid? 3/31/2010

Click on the link at the bottom and read the whole thing. This entire thing is crap and blocks more drilling than it opens, hoping that stupid Republicans will fall for it and vote for cap […]

Technology outpacing climate-change legislation, lawmakers say

Nick Snow Washington Editor Oil & Gas Journal December 2, 2009

WASHINGTON, DC, Dec. 2 — Technology is moving ahead more quickly than legislation to address global climate change, three federal lawmakers agreed on Dec. 1. Congress won’t be able to get back to work on the issue until 2010, they added.

Bills approved […]

Competitive Enterprise Institute Petitions EPA to Suspend Proposed CO2 Regs

CEI is asking the Environmental Protection Agency to halt efforts to control carbon dioxide emissions in light of Climategate information.

by Marlo Lewis Pajamas Media December 2, 2009

In light of the Climategate fraud scandal, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) on Wednesday filed a petition asking the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to suspend its plans […]

Discounting and Climate Change Economics: Estimating the Cost of Cap and Trade

by David Kreutzer, Ph.D. WebMemo #2705 November 19, 2009

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently released its preliminary analysis of the Boxer-Kerry cap-and-trade bill. It largely reheats their analysis of the Waxman-Markey bill from last summer.

Proponents of both bills often claim the EPA analyses pegs the cost per household at a postage stamp per […]
