IRS Responsible For Leaking Mozilla CEO’s Prop 8 Donation To Pro-Gay Liberal Group…

Zip Weasel Zippers 4/3/2014

The IRS leaked the National Organization for Marriage’s tax returns to the Human Rights Campaign, who helped oust Brendan Eich.

Via First Things:

…The one thing all sides can agree on is that Eich, on paper, is very well suited to the job. His most notable technical achievement is the invention […]





Duck Dynasty’s Robertson Angers Alcoholics, Philanderers Komissar Blogunov 12/19/2013

…Achmed al-Tikriti, president of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance of Muslims (GLAM) spoke out passionately on the Piers Morgan Show: “As a member of the most progressive and tolerant religion on earth, I urge Phil Robertson to reconsider his damaging statements and […]

Christiane Amanpour Explodes at CNN Syria Panel: Stop Spewing ‘False Moral Equivalence!’

WeAreTheSavageNation YouTube 9/12/2013

CNN Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour flipped out on the AC360 Later Syria panel Thursday night, calling out the “false moral equivalence” of anti-interventionists. She clashed with blogger Andrew Sullivan over the emotion in the case, shouting down her fellow panelists to get a word in edgewise. After Anderson Cooper and Sullivan […]

Obama meets with 'influential progressive media' on fiscal cliff

Donovan Slack Politico 12/4/2012

President Obama met with a litany of liberal media personalities on Tuesday to push his tax cut message.

Spotted filing into the West Wing were Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O’Donnell, Ed Schultz and Al Sharpton.

The meeting was not on the president’s public schedule […]

Obama Sics His Freaks On Romney: Allred, Sullivan, Wright…

John Nolte Big Government 23 Oct 2012

Desperation is in the air and The Chicago Machine’s ugliness is just starting to get ginned up. They’ve already all but accused Romney of being a “felon” and murdering Joe Soptic’s wife, but now that the polls are moving against Obama and the President’s closing argument has […]

Obama brought a knife to a gunfight

Kimberly Morin Manchester Political Buzz Examiner 10/3/2012

The first presidential debate was held tonight in Denver, Colorado and moderated by PBS’ Jim Lehrer. The debate was focused on domestic issues and ran for 90 minutes. From the very beginning, Romney was articulate, confident and was well versed in each topic covered. Obama, without his teleprompter, […]
