George Soros & Other High-Ranking Democrats Meet for Ultra-Secret Conference

Becket Adams The Blaze 5/15/2012

George Soros, political strategists, and other high roller Democrat operatives attended a highly secretive conference at the Biltmore Hotel in Miami to discuss the upcoming elections.

And the Washington Free Beacon’s (WFB) Andrew Stiles gives us an inside look:

The location of the conference had been kept a closely guarded […]

The SIGA scandal: Calls for investigation mount

I cannot help but see the similarities between this case and the Solyndra scandal, since both involve rewarding companies tied to Obama donors, billions in taxpayer dollars, and insider dealing.

Michelle Malkin 1/27/2012

Back in November, I spotlighted Obama’s half-billion-dollar crony drug deal involving a no-bid contract with politically-connected SIGA.

Refresher course here.


The UAW’s last stand

Bernie Wodall, Ben Klayman and Jan Schwartz Detroit/Hamburg Reuters 12/29/2011

The United Auto Workers union is staking its future on the kind of struggle it hasn’t waged since the 1930s: a massive drive to organize hostile factories.

This time, the target is foreign car makers, whose workers have rebuffed the union repeatedly. Specifically, Reuters has […]

SEIU Corruption Flies Below the Radar

David A. Bego Big Government 12/16/2011

The SEIU’s Insidious Tentacles continue to infiltrate government and politics at the expense of its own rank and file without attracting national media attention. Interestingly enough the mainstream media will not peek beneath the covers and investigate reports by employees and employers, such as those detailed in The Devil […]

Unbelievable?! Newt loves FDR, models himself after Woodrow Wilson and admires SEIU’s Andy Stern

Glenn Beck 12/13/2011

It’s not as if Newt couldn’t have known his past comments were going to eventually be called into question. He’s capably navigated his way through his big government tendencies so far and miraculously still has solid support in the Tea Party. Will the latest damaging clip have any impact? Gingrich is caught […]

Andy Stern: Free-markets are dead, American businesses must now embrace Communist China’s model

Andy Stern: China’s Superior Economic Model

The free-market fundamentalist economic model is being thrown onto the trash heap of history.

Andy Stern The Wall Street Journal 12/1/2011

…The conservative-preferred, free-market fundamentalist, shareholder-only model—so successful in the 20th century—is being thrown onto the trash heap of history in the 21st century. In an era when countries […]
