Look who’s being paid by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to cover Common Core

Twitchy 7/13/2014

…Wow. Here’s a link to the Gates-subsidized NBCNews.com article. There is no indication that it’s an advertisement or advertorial. It appears to be a bona fide news story written by a bona fide reporter (Nona Willis Aronowitz). Here it is featured along with NBC News’ other articles on its education page…

…It’s no […]

The Power to Destroy: Smoking Gun in IRS Political Targeting

Leftist group paid to review right

Aaron Klein WorldNetDaily 2/10/2014

WASHINGTON – Though President Obama insists the Internal Revenue Service is not guilty of political targeting of nonprofits, WND has learned the agency contracts with an avowedly “progressive” organization supported by George Soros to process data filed by smaller tax-exempt groups.

The federal agency process […]

'Don't know much about history…'

The Incredibly Depressing Answers College Students Gave When Asked What the Holocaust Was and When It Began

Sharona Schwartz The Blaze 10/16/2013

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A Pennsylvania woman set out with a video camera to learn what college students in her state know about the Holocaust — and discovered an incredible lack of knowledge not […]

Andrew Cuomo – Buying His Way to the Presidency with Common Core

Sara Noble The Independent Sentinel 4/12/2013

Andrew Cuomo wants to be President of the United States. That’s a frightening thought to those of us who know him well. He has little chance of succeeding though he doesn’t seem to know it. He knows how to get moneyed interests behind him however.

Cuomo is promoting a […]

‘The New Leviathan’: Glenn Beck interviews author David Horowitz

“…you know, this can turn pretty quickly if we have people who have the stomach and the spine to do the right thing…”

~David Horowitz

Glenn Beck 6/25/2012

On radio this morning, Glenn interviewed former Communist David Horowitz, a man who has now dedicated himself to exposing progressives, radicals, and extremists. […]

Chief executive of GAVI wants to ‘immunize every kid on earth’

Ethan A. Huff Natural News 5/5/2012

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-backed group Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI) is on a mission to forcibly vaccinate every single child on the planet against every single known “preventable disease.” And the group’s CEO, Seth Berkley, believes he can actually make this happen with enough cash, […]
