Sen. Yee (D-San Francisco) charged with trafficking firearms in sweeping FBI probe

Los Angeles Times 3/26/2014

State Sen. Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) was charged Wednesday with conspiring to commit wire fraud and traffic firearms, part of a sweeping public corruption case outlined by federal prosecutors…

…The gun charges go against Yee’s stand as a gun control advocate.

In 2006, Yee was named to the Gun Violence Prevention […]

NJ Mother Pressured to Turn Over Her Guns, Charged With ‘Terroristic Threats’ After Reading the Constitution at Tax Dispute Assembly

“If quoting the Constitution makes me a terrorist, we are in Hitler’s America.”


Erica Ritz The Blaze 3/12/2013

​Key Points:

Eileen Hart objected to a state re-evaluation of her property value that would drastically increase her tax rates She read the Constitution at a tax dispute forum and called one […]

Media sets gun control narrative, shuts down mental health debate

John Nolte Big Journalism 15 Dec 2012

As you’ll see in the video below, through Soledad O’Brien, CNN is desperate to set the table for policies that will make us less safe by ensuring only bad guys have guns. This is what I call Narrative Setting, where the media decides what The Narrative (our […]

Obama Expands ATF’s Right to Seize Guns Without Due Process

Awr Hawkins Big Government 12 Sep 2012

Obama has expanded civil-forfeiture rules making it permissible for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to seize weapons from citizens without the hassle of due process.

This effectively gives Attorney General Eric Holder, of Fast and Furious fame, extended power over guns and gun-related […]

Democratic senators offer gun control amendment for cybersecurity bill

Ramsey Cox The Hill 7/26/2012

Democratic senators have offered an amendment to the cybersecurity bill that would limit the purchase of high capacity gun magazines for some consumers.

Shortly after the Cybersecurity Act gained Senate approval to proceed to filing proposed amendments and a vote next week, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), a sponsor of the […]

More Republicans go on the record to oppose UN treaty

Obama made headlines recently when he told a group of reporters that he is working behind the scenes to implement gun control “under the radar.“

Anthony Martin Conservative Examiner 7/14/2012

As the Obama administration continues to engage in negotiations on two controversial U.N. treaties, more Republicans have now gone on the record to […]
