Black Americans from Chicago Speak Out about Life under Democrat Rule

David Leeper Western Free Press 10/28/2014

From, here are strong words from black Americans about life under decades of Democrat-only rule and the need to wake up and vote wisely.

This message may have been intended for American black communities, but it speaks truth to all Americans about the failed promises of Democrat progressive […]

Senate Democrats supported rule that led to insurance cancellations

Chris Frates Political Ticker CNN 10/31/2013

Senate Democrats voted unanimously three years viagra prescription online ago to support the Obamacare rule that is largely responsible for some of the health insurance cancellation letters that are going out.

In September 2010, Senate Republicans brought a resolution to the floor to block implementation of the grandfather rule, […]

The other ObamaCare middle class tax hike arrives in 2014. Update: Don’t forget: The coming death-tax dropkick

“The new tax will raise families’ insurance costs by as much as $7,000 over a decade. And as is the case with the other tax increases, the blue states will be hardest hit…we are looking at the death of the private market, with single-payer as the only option.“


John Hayward Human Events […]

Sen. Hagan and the Mama Grizzly

Sen. Kay Hagan Learning on the Job

John Verum Serum 8/18/2010

Remember when the discussion on the left was that, if they could just get Obamacare through, the people would greet them as liberators? Turns out, not so much…

Continues at Verum Serum.

Dan Riehl has thoughts about this video at RiehlWorldView.


What Harry Reid did for the drug companies

Timothy P. Carney Washington Examiner 7/7/10

My column today discusses how hard the drug lobby is working to re-elect Harry Reid. I had attributed the industry’s love Reid simply to how Pharma-friendly the bill was. At Firedoglake, though, Jane Hamsher gives some more details:

How did Reid personally step up? Well, most notably he helpfully […]

NC Sen. Kay Hagan refuses to answer how Health Care mandate is constitutional

TheRightScoop 4/22/2010

I know many of you have heard democrats do the ‘democrat dodge’ before, but this is my senator and there is simply no excuse for it. Kay Hagan, interviewed yesterday by Rush Radio 94.5 [not affiliated with Limbaugh], is asked twice about how the health care mandate is constitutional and she simply refuses […]
