Scaling Up the Millennium Villages Project

George Soros Open Society Foundations 10/4/2014

Five years ago my Open Society Foundations gave $50 million to support the launch of the Millennium Villages Project—a bold initiative aimed at ending extreme poverty in rural Africa. It’s a big challenge but the project has come a long way since 2005, when Jeffrey Sachs first told me […]

Bill Gates Urges Obama to Embrace Global Tax

Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media via Gulag Bound 11/4/2011

When Barack Obama was a senator, he proposed a Global Poverty Act to fulfill the U.N.’s Millennium Development Goals. The cost in additional foreign aid: $845 billion. On Thursday, as part of the G20 summit, Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, delivered […]

It’s another Soros link to Occupy Wall Street

Envisions ‘New Economic World Order’ no longer dominated by 1 superpower

Aaron Klein WorldNetDaily 10/14/2011

A George Soros-funded economist taught a course to the Occupy Wall Street protesters purportedly to help the activists better understand what caused the global financial crisis.

Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz also recently addressed the so-called social protests rocking […]

Obama administration filled with activists for globalism

Seeking ‘climate change adaption,’ crackdown on firearms, gun sellers

Aaron Klein WorldNetDaily 10/1/2011

The newly appointed chief of President Obama’s Social Innovation and Civic Participation Council is a member of a globalist organization whose activists can be found throughout the Obama administration.

Jonathan Greenblatt was appointed the new head of Obama’s Social Innovation Unit earlier […]

Surprise! Soros’ Fingerprints All Over September 17 OccupyWallStreet ‘Demands’

Brenda J. Elliott Klein Online 9/12/2011

The tipoff for George Soros’ involvement with the September 17 anti-banker OccupyWallStreet direct action comes by way of , an “Expat activist, lover, info-geek” who is “trying to play [her] role on the #globalrevolution.”1

Khatib wrote yesterday — on behalf of the “citizens and non-citizens” of The General Assembly […]

Soros Event Sets in Motion New Attacks on Dollar

Bretton Woods conference accelerates push for new world currency.

Dan Gainor Business & Media Institute 4/20/2011

It’s been two weeks since George Soros bought himself a major economic conference designed to remake the entire global economy. Just because the event received little major news attention, it still had an impact Americans might be reeling from […]
