Here’s ‘Lone Survivor’ NAVY SEAL’s Response to Jesse Ventura’s Lawsuit of American Hero Chris Kyle



Sancho Panza Soopermexican 7/30/2014

In a blow to everyone’s collective belief in the goodness of humanity, conspiracy enthusiast and bottom-dweller Jesse Ventura won his lawsuit against the widow of Chris Kyle, the “American Sniper.” This sad turn of events proves that we live in a fallen world, and none other than Marcus […]

Woodward at war

Jim Vandehei Mike Allen Behind the Curtain Politico 2/28/2013

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Bob Woodward called a senior White House official last week to tell him that in a piece in that weekend’s Washington Post, he was going to question President Barack Obama’s account of how sequestration came about — and got a major-league brushback. The Obama […]

Pro-Obama movie to get anti-Obama ads

Neil Munro The Daily Caller 10/25/2012

A group of ex-soldiers are buying TV ads attacking President Barack Obama that will run during the first showing of a pro-Obama movie created by his Hollywood backers.

The made-for-TV movie, “Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden,” is slated to run Nov. 4 on the National […]

In heated ’07 speech, Obama lavishes praise on Wright, says feds ‘don’t care’ about New Orleans

Drudge Report, 2 Oct 2012, 9:54 PM. Click on the image to enlarge.


“We can’t expect [the poor] to have all the skills they need to work. They may need help with basic skills, how to shop, how to show up for work on time, how to wear the right […]

Missing piece surfaces in the Obama puzzle

Thomas Lifson American Thinker 9/24/2012

Nobody knows for sure how Barack Obama managed to get into and pay for the elite higher education he received, particularly given his self-admitted lackadaisical approach to school in his younger years. The president’s decision to keep his higher education records a secret is considered unworthy of attention by the […]

The Dark Art of ‘BenSmithing’ Helped Cover Up Obama’s ‘New Party’ Membership

John Nolte Big Journalism 6/7/2012

In 2008, National Review’s Stanley Kurtz got BenSmithed. He didn’t just get BenSmithed, though, he got BenSmithed by the BenSmithiest BenSmither in the history of BenSmithing — Ben Smith himself.

Oh, I remember it well. We were thisclose to election day, the wind was squarely at Barack Obama’s […]
