‘Anonymous’ — Response To Obama’s 2013 Gun Control Policy

TheGunslingerChannel YouTube 1/11/2013

Description text is original work of Dave Gunslinger. As text author, I give fair use permission. DG All monetary rights have been removed.

Please share this video with your family, friends, and co-workers. Most of all, share with people who are anti-gun.

Please explain to them that losing the 2nd Amendment is […]

The United Nations wants to crash the world economy in order to save the environment

Mr. Conservative 2/25/2012

The United Nations says that the earth is in great danger and that the way you and I are living is the problem. In a shocking new report entitled, “Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing” the UN declares that the entire way that we currently approach economics needs to be […]

White House Economic Adviser: ‘We Need a Global Minimum Tax’

Jim Hoft GatewayPundit 2/13/2012

Gene Sperling, director of the White House’s national economic council, said today at an official meeting, “We need a global minimum tax.”

The Weekly Standard reported:


Here’s what Sperling had to say:

“He supports corporate tax reform that would reduce expenditures and loopholes, lower rates for people investing and […]

A Brief Note on the End of America as We have Known it

“It is a known fact that the policies of the government today, whether Republican or Democrat are closer to the 1932 platform of the Communist Party than they are to either of their own party platforms in that critical year.” –Walter Trohan (1903-2003) Chicago Tribune reporter (1929-1972) and bureau chief in D.C.

Arlen […]

George Soros: Managed Dollar Decline, New World Order

Maggie M. Thornton Gulag Bound 4/25/2011

This post from Maggie Thornton, originally appearing January 4th in Maggie’s Notebook, informs us of the goals of Soros and Company, this Bankster Spring. In this video [below] George Soros talks about the new World Order and the “managed” “slow decline” of the US dollar. He wants a “world […]

Terrorist Mark Rudd’s Warning on the Destruction of America’s Defenses

Trevor Loudon New Zeal 4/13/2011

President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies are using U.S. economic problems (which they partially created) to sell Americans on the need to cut defense spending.

This is what America’s enemies have wanted for decades. If America can be dis-armed, Russia, China, Cuba and Iran will face little or no […]
